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3 Zodiac Couples Who Fight a Lot in Relationships


Different people bring their unique personalities to relationships, and some zodiac pairs can often argue. Often, these fights happen because people have different personalities, ways of talking to each other, and beliefs. Today we’re going to talk about three sign couples that are known to have volatile relationships and often fight.

Aries and Cancer

Aries and Cancer are a great example of how fire and water don’t get along. Mars rules Aries, who acts without thinking and talks without thinking a lot of the time. They love adventure and thrill, which can make them seem careless or insensitive at times. The Moon rules Cancer, on the other hand, and they are sensitive, caring, and want to feel safe emotionally.


They often feel hurt by their partner’s sometimes rude behavior, taking Aries’ bluntness to heart. Cancer might think Aries is too needy or sensitive, and Aries might think Cancer is rude and heartless. These big differences can make it hard for this couple to find common ground because they cause a lot of misunderstandings and heated fights.

Gemini and Virgo

Gemini and Virgo are both controlled by Mercury, but they have very different ways of talking to each other and living their lives. Gemini is open-minded, flexible, and loves new things. There is no plan for them, and people often think of them as free-spirited. Virgo, on the other hand, pays attention to details, is practical, and likes order and routine.


Virgos may seem too strict and critical to Geminis, and Geminis may seem unstable and scattered to Virgos. The need for order in Virgo and the carefree attitude of Gemini can make them fight over small things. Their different goals and ways of taking in information can make them fight a lot because they can’t see things from the other person’s point of view.

Leo and Scorpio

Scorpio and Leo are both strong-willed signs, but their differences can make them fight for power. The Sun rules Leo, and this sign loves to stand out and be the center of attention. They are sure of themselves, kind, and love being admired. Scorpio is powerful, mysterious, and very emotional. It is ruled by Mars and Pluto. They care about dedication and depth, but they don’t always show how they really feel.


There is a clash when Scorpio, who values privacy and depth over shallow charm, finds Leo’s need for praise too much. Also, Scorpio’s tendency to keep things to themselves can annoy Leo, who likes things to be open and honest. When jealousy and possessiveness come into play, their intense personalities can make fights very violent.

These three couples from different zodiac signs show how having different attitudes and values can make relationships difficult. A lot of fights can be hard, but they can also be good for growth and finding out if both people are ready to work through their problems. It’s important for these couples to talk to each other honestly and find ways to work together so that their different personalities don’t cross.

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Why do Aries and Cancer lovers fight a lot?

Aries and Cancer fight because Aries is rash and Cancer is sensitive and needs to feel safe emotionally.


What makes partners who are Gemini and Virgo fight?

Gemini likes to be spontaneous, while Virgo likes routines and order. This can cause tension.


How do the traits of Leo and Scorpio clash?

Scorpios are intense and private, and Leos need to be noticed. This can cause power battles and jealousy.


Can these couples from different signs work out their problems?

Yes, these couples can work out their differences as long as they talk to each other and are willing to settle.


How can Gemini and Virgo lovers talk to each other better?

Gemini and Virgo couples can work through their differences if they know and accept each other’s ways of talking to each other.


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