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5 Zodiacs Who Hide Their Pain in Behind Their Smile


Many people put on masks to hide how they really feel, and for some zodiac signs, this is something that comes easily. They may act happy even though they’re really upset inside. Let’s look at five zodiac signs that are known for hiding their sadness behind a smile. Each of these signs has its own way of dealing with inner turmoil.


Cancers always put the wants of others ahead of their own, making them the caring sign. Because they are caring, they often hide their pain because they don’t want to bother other people with their problems. They’ll keep a smile on their face even when things are hard, helping and comforting those around them.


Even though they seem happy, they’re often having a hard time with their own feelings. Cancers like to deal with their pain alone and find comfort in solitude and reflection. They might hide their true feelings by going into their shell and putting on a happy front.


Libras like things that are balanced and sound. To keep the peace, they often hide how they really feel because they don’t like fighting or being uncomfortable. Even if they’re hurting inside, a Libra might smile and act like everything is fine. They are afraid that talking about their pain will upset the peace they work so hard to keep.


People born under this sign tend to avoid deep, emotional talks that might make them look weak. Instead, they try to be the nice, friendly person that everyone loves, even if that means hiding how they really feel behind a smile.


Geminis are known for having two sides to them, and this includes how they feel. They might be the life of the party and make everyone laugh, but they might be sad inside. People around Geminis often use their quick wit and sense of humor as a defense strategy to keep others from seeing how they really feel.


They are good at keeping things light and taking the focus off of themselves in talks. Because this sign is so flexible, they can fit in with any scenario, which can make it hard for others to see the pain they may be hiding.


As the zodiac’s explorers, Sagittarius people are always looking for new things to do and chances to grow. Their positive attitude often hides any problems they may be having inside. Their favorite thing to do is keep things happy and positive, even when things are hard.


These signs cover up their pain because they don’t want to be seen as weak or open. To avoid facing how they really feel, they might find humor or something else to do, like starting a new journey. People with this personality type tend to ignore their feelings and keep a smile on their face even when they’re upset.


As a result of being sensitive and understanding, Pisces often take on the feelings of those around them. Their own feelings are very strong, but they’d rather hide their pain. People born under this sign often daydream and make up stories, which can be a way for them to escape from real life.


A Pisces might smile and go along with things, even if they’re really stressed out. They often act tough so as not to bother other people, and they choose to deal with their feelings alone. Because they are caring, they worry more about how other people feel, which makes them hide their own problems.

People born under these signs often hide their pain behind a smile. They all hide their true feelings for different reasons, like keeping the peace, not wanting to be vulnerable, or keeping others safe. Remember that the person who seems the happiest in the room may actually be the one who needs help the most.

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Why do Cancers hide how they feel?

Cancers hide their feelings because they want to help other people and not bring up their own issues.


Do Libras like to talk about how they feel?

Libras try to keep the peace and avoid getting upset by avoiding deep, emotional talks.


When Geminis are sad, what do they do?

A lot of the time, Geminis deal with sadness by laughing or doing something else to keep from showing how they really feel.


How does a Sagittarius deal with mental pain?

Sagittarius people often hide their sadness with happiness and look for new experiences to take their minds off of things.


Why do Pisces hide how they feel?

Pisces hide their emotions to keep other people safe, and they usually would rather deal with their feelings alone.


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